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The Rhizome of Blackness
A Critical Ethnography of Hip-Hop Culture, Language, Identity, and the Politics of Becoming
The Rhizome of Blackness is a critical ethnographic documentation of the process of how continental African youth are becoming Black in North America. They enter a «social imaginary» where they find themselves already falling under the umbrella of Blackness. For young Africans, Hip-Hop culture, language, and identity emerge as significant sites of identification; desire; and cultural, linguistic, and identity investment. No longer is «plain Canadian English» a site of investment, but instead, Black English as a second language (BESL) and «Hip-Hop all da way baby!» (as one student put it). The result of this dialectic space between language learning and identity investment is a complex, multilayered, and «rhizomatic third space,» where Canada meets and rubs shoulders with Africa in downtown Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal in such a way that it produces its own «ticklish subject» and pedagogy of imaginary and integrative anti-racism.
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Additional ISBNs
9781433126024, 9781453912768, 9781454195696
The Rhizome of Blackness: A Critical Ethnography of Hip-Hop Culture, Language, Identity, and the Politics of Becoming 1st Edition is written by Awad Ibrahim; Awad Ibrahim and published by Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Rhizome of Blackness are 9781454195702, 1454195703 and the print ISBNs are 9781433126031, 1433126036. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781433126024, 9781453912768, 9781454195696.
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