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Meaning-Centered Leadership
Skills and Strategies for Increased Employee Well-Being and Organizational Success
Today’s multigenerational, fast-paced work environment is causing employees to rethink their work. Today it is less about the paycheck and more about seeking a meaningful and purpose-driven career. As we spend more time in the workplace, and technology makes working from anywhere more commonplace, it is more vital than ever to create a work environment that instills meaning, both in the workplace and in our lives. Research shows that the vast majority of employees (85% worldwide) are disengaged, which is killing employee happiness and satisfaction, and thereby affecting the bottom line. Meaning-Centered Leadership will inspire and incite readers to create meaning in their organizations so their employees have higher engagement and are more fulfilled. By creating meaning, we can turn employee engagement levels upside down, creating a powerful, more productive, and overall happier place to work. The 3Es of Meaning-Centered Leadership – Engagement, Empowerment, and Expertise – will provide leaders ways to develop behaviors and strategies that in turn will inspire employees to love their jobs and their lives! Happier employees lead to healthier work environments and higher engagement, positively impacting the bottom line.
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Additional ISBNs
Meaning-Centered Leadership: Skills and Strategies for Increased Employee Well-Being and Organizational Success is written by Barbara E. Bartels; C. Edward Jackson and published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Meaning-Centered Leadership are 9781475857924, 1475857926 and the print ISBNs are 9781475857900, 147585790X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781475857917.
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