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Healthcare Workforce Transitioning
Competency Conversations through World Café
Healthcare Workforce Transitioning shares with educators and healthcare professionals alike the awareness, integration, and partnership that results from a successful process of framing a Healthcare Management Program around core competencies. To transition toward a successful healthcare career requires proficiencies in communication, leadership, professionalism, knowledge of the healthcare environment, and business skills. Competencies provide context to curriculum construction and build awareness of the role this standard plays in a career-ready workforce. Integrating professional development and service learning into co-curricular activities further strengthens outcomes. Partnering with healthcare professionals through ongoing World Café conversations, contributes a touchstone about expectations and accountabilities to be successful in a career. This book draws on the World Café methodology, guidelines, and vignettes in developing performance assessment, coaching, training, and performance reviews. The author provides lessons learned throughout the text to illustrate the points made in the chapters. It also provides a proven participatory methodology applied to competency exploration, application, and authentication.
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Additional ISBNs
9780367024031, 9780429399817, 9780429680670, 9780429680656
Healthcare Workforce Transitioning: Competency Conversations through World Café 1st Edition is written by Dr. Anne Drabczyk and published by Productivity Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Healthcare Workforce Transitioning are 9780429680663, 042968066X and the print ISBNs are 9781032093512, 103209351X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780367024031, 9780429399817, 9780429680670, 9780429680656.
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