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Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare, Third Edition
The Invisible Architecture of Core Values, Attitude, and Self-Empowerment
In the aftermath of the pandemic, preexisting challenges in healthcare organizations have intensified. Stress, burnout, staffing shortages, and even the erosion of trust in organizational leadership are pressing issues that need solutions.Using construction as their metaphor, authors Joe Tye and Bob Dent make a compelling case that a healthcare organization’s Invisible Architecture—a foundation of core values, a superstructure of organizational culture, and the interior finish of workplace attitude—is no less important than its visible architecture.In this third edition of Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare, readers will learn how investing in their organization and their people can enable a significant, successful change in productivity; employee engagement; nurse satisfaction, recruitment, and retention; quality of care; patient satisfaction; and positive financial outcomes.TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1: Invisible ArchitectureChapter 2: From Accountability to OwnershipChapter 3: The Foundation of Core ValuesChapter 4: The Superstructure of Organizational CultureChapter 5: The Interior Finish of Workplace AttitudeChapter 6: Blueprinting a Culture of OwnershipChapter 7: Three Essential Elements of a Culture of OwnershipChapter 8: Personal Values and Organizational ValuesChapter 9: The Four Dimensions of Transformational LeadershipChapter 10: Anatomy of a Change Movement: What the Movement to Ban Public Smoking Has to Teach Healthcare Leaders About Culture ChangeAfterwordEpilogue
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Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare, Third Edition: The Invisible Architecture of Core Values, Attitude, and Self-Empowerment 3rd Edition is written by Joe Tye; Bob Dent and published by Sigma Theta Tau International. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Building a Culture of Ownership in Healthcare, Third Edition are 9781646481286, 1646481283 and the print ISBNs are 9781646481279, 1646481275.
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