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Healthcare Innovation Success
Learning from Organisational Experience
The role of leadership in driving innovation through its different stages is fully explored in this book to enable clinical leaders and managers to design innovation frameworks. The book highlights how to maximize the benefits of innovation for organizations and integrated care systems while acknowledging that the process of innovation within healthcare organizations can be complex and needs to be well orchestrated to enable innovation to spread and sustain. The book examines the leadership enablers in healthcare innovation highlighting a new and refreshing strategic model of innovation. The model is used as the foundation to support the process of innovation, from ideation to implementation, within contemporary and ambitious healthcare organizations.
This is a digital product.
Healthcare Innovation Success: Learning from Organisational Experience is written by Penny Kechagioglou and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Healthcare Innovation Success are 9783031283536, 3031283538 and the print ISBNs are 9783031283529, 303128352X.
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