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Health Informatics
Multidisciplinary Approaches for Current and Future Professionals
“True wellness innovation requires the recruitment of multi-disciplinary participants. This book breaks the mold with examples from healthcare experts and other professionals who have leveraged informatics to better the lives of their constituents.” — Jason Helgerson, Founder & CEO, Helgerson Solutions Group LLC Developed for those training in academic centers as well as for those already “out in the field,” this book looks at how attorneys, behavioral health experts, business development experts, chief information officers, chief medical officers, chief nursing information officers, consumer advocates, cryptographic experts, futurists, geneticists, informaticists, managed care executives, nurses, pharmacists, physicians, public health professionals, software developers, systems security officers, and workforce experts are collaborating on a “team-based,” IT-enabled approach to improve healthcare.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
9781138390881, 9780429423109, 9780429750984, 9780429750960
Health Informatics: Multidisciplinary Approaches for Current and Future Professionals 1st Edition is written by Salvatore Volpe and published by Productivity Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Health Informatics are 9780429750977, 0429750978 and the print ISBNs are 9781032207742, 1032207744. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781138390881, 9780429423109, 9780429750984, 9780429750960.
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