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Healthcare Quality and HIT – International Standards, China Practices
How Chinese hospitals have been growing and adopting international standards such as JCI and HIMSS EMRAM to fuel their advancements is not well-known to the western world. In this book, Jilan Liu, as former Principal Consultant of JCI and current Chief Executive Officer for HIMSS Greater China, presents a selection of case examples written by Chinese hospital executives and staff showcasing first-hand experiences and insights into how the leading healthcare organizations grow and continue their success in China. The case examples include Chinese hospitals who have participated in JCI accreditation and/or HIMSS EMRAM. These hospitals represent the new wave of organizations adopting international standards while accommodating the unique conditions of China.
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Additional ISBNs
9780429451539, 9781032570549, 9780429836992, 9780429836978
Healthcare Quality and HIT – International Standards, China Practices 1st Edition is written by Author and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Healthcare Quality and HIT – International Standards, China Practices are 9780429836985, 0429836988 and the print ISBNs are 9781138322516, 1138322512. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780429451539, 9781032570549, 9780429836992, 9780429836978.
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