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TIME’S NOW for Women Healthcare Leaders
A Guide for the Journey
TIME’S NOW for Women Healthcare Leaders: A Guide for the Journey Women comprise over 80 percent of healthcare frontline employees, but they often hit the proverbial glass ceiling. Only 30 percent of healthcare C-suite Executives and less than 15% of CEOs are women. Moreover, while 51 percent of medical students are women, only 16 percent of the Department Chairs and Deans are women. Clearly, women are facing barriers to achieving their potential, limiting their ability to add their unique talents and skills to the tables of leadership. The author provides extensive detail on these barriers and approaches to their solutions. This is a practical “how-to” book that will help women in healthcare envision their ability to contribute and inspire them to lead. The author sees this as not only helping women, but also facilitating solving healthcare’s myriad problems, improving health and benefitting society. *** This book is a must-read primer for women seeking leadership. It is practical, thought provoking, and carefully researched, addressing why women’s leadership is important and how women can be better leaders. Gabow’s approach capitalizes on interviews with strong women leaders. She uses the notions she learned from the interviews coupled with research from the literature to create an easy-to-read, motivating, and challenging book for women and men! Nancy Agee President and CEO Carilion Clinic Past Chair American Hospital Association TIME’S NOW for Women Healthcare Leaders is filled with powerful examples of how women have overcome multiple obstacles and prevailed on their leadership journeys. It is a MUST read for women and men about the obstacles to be overcome, potholes to avoid, and the shout outs to be given to women who every minute, every hour, every day are committed to human caring. It has captured the heart and spirits of women from diverse backgrounds who have and continue to demonstrate their commitment to making society a better place for all! Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, FAAN Senior Vice President and System Chief Equity Officer Cedars Sinai Health System This highly engaging book addresses the relative dearth of women leaders in healthcare through thoughtful assessment of how leaders’ values and actions can improve healthcare within healthcare organizations and systems. Dr. Gabow, an exceptional leader whose relentless passion for excellence for patients served by Denver Health earned her national renown, combines insightful observations from her own path with current statistics about women in medicine, experiences of other successful women leaders, and mentoring skills to offer wise counsel to all current and future leaders. The thoughtful distillation of practical wisdom offered here make this book a unique contribution and highly relevant to healthcare in America today. Carolyn Clancy, M.D. Past Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality This insightful book is full of personal stories, honest reflections, and data-driven guidance from and about women leaders. It serves as a wonderful resource for those motivated to advance diverse and inclusive organizations. Karen DeSalvo, M.D., MPHChief Health Officer, Google Health Past Acting Assistant Secretary for Health, US HHS National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, US HHS
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Additional ISBNs
9780429430671, 9781032474601, 9780429773662, 9780429773686
TIME’S NOW for Women Healthcare Leaders: A Guide for the Journey 1st Edition is written by Patricia A. Gabow and published by Productivity Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for TIME’S NOW for Women Healthcare Leaders are 9780429773679, 0429773676 and the print ISBNs are 9781138365582, 1138365580. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780429430671, 9781032474601, 9780429773662, 9780429773686.
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