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Mastering Physician Engagement
A Practical Guide to Achieving Shared Outcomes
Twenty-first century healthcare will be defined by better care, smarter spending, and healthier people. All eyes are on technology as the means to drive down costs and improve efficiency, enabling physicians to deliver care in a way that realizes the vision of a healthier planet. The transition from the acute care focus of the 20th century to the quality and data-driven organizations of tomorrow requires incredible effort and collaboration between all members of the healthcare community. Healthcare professionals are challenged to understand and rapidly adapt to new business models while achieving improved patient care and health outcomes. Physician engagement with the whole community has never been more important than it is today. Mastering Physician Engagement: A Practical Guide to Achieving Shared Outcomes explores strategies and tactics for engaging physicians in a meaningful way in a broad spectrum of change initiatives. Using proven techniques to create alignment with physicians, this book delivers practical approaches for effectively: Fostering engagement in revenue cycle, information technology, and population health initiatives Creating a data-driven culture Training physicians on new technologies and workflows Communicating insights and metrics Identifying and presenting return on investment Developing and achieving common goals
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
9781315367279, 9781498768856, 9781032179339, 9781315331126, 9780815387077
Mastering Physician Engagement: A Practical Guide to Achieving Shared Outcomes 1st Edition is written by John W. Showalter; Leigh T. Williams and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Mastering Physician Engagement are 9781315350158, 1315350157 and the print ISBNs are 9781498768825, 1498768822. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781315367279, 9781498768856, 9781032179339, 9781315331126, 9780815387077.
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