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**How can the flaws within the global education system be addressed to ensure all language learners are accommodated? ** Guided by lived experience, Holistic Language Instruction challenges the idea that there is only one way to learn a language. As 40% of learners struggle with language development, author Jaime Hoerricks questions whether these students are disabled or if the system disables them by neglecting their unique language processing methods. Given that language processing differences have no connection with intellect, Hoerricks proposes that learners should be accommodated within the general population to enable their progress alongside peers, instead of being placed in a special education program or assigned to a speech and language professional. Offering guidance for educators on how to foster literacy growth in all students, this book is ideal reading for students of Education Studies, Disability Studies and related courses, Speech and Language development, as well as teachers, education policy makers, and parents.
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Additional ISBNs
Holistic Language Instruction: Addressing Literacy in Standard and Non-Standard Populations 1st Edition is written by Dr Jaime Hoerricks PhD and published by Lived Places Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Holistic Language Instruction are 9781916704480, 1916704484 and the print ISBNs are 9781916704466, 1916704468. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781916704473.
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