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Research on linguistically and culturally sustaining education has recently placed increased attention on the need to rethink the field by promoting more equitable linguistic pedagogical opportunities for all students, including immigrant and newcomer youth. It has been evident for some time that immigration patterns around the globe have been increasingly shifting, posing a new challenge to educators. As a result, there is a gap in the literature that is meant to address educational practices for immigrant communities comprehensively. The Handbook of Research on Advancing Language Equity Practices With Immigrant Communities is a critical scholarly book that explores issues of linguistic and educational equity with immigrant communities around the globe in an effort to improve the teaching and learning of immigrant communities. Featuring a wide range of topics such as higher education, instructional design, and language learning, this book is ideal for academicians, teachers, administrators, instructional designers, curriculum developers, researchers, and students in the fields of linguistics, anthropology, sociology, educational policy, and discourse analysis.
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Additional ISBNs
Handbook of Research on Advancing Language Equity Practices With Immigrant Communities and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Advancing Language Equity Practices With Immigrant Communities are 9781799834519, 1799834514 and the print ISBNs are 9781799834489, 1799834484. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781799834502.
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