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This contributed volume regenerates the significance of and respect for natural phenomenon in the background of the risks and complications seen in ART such as ovarian hyperstimulation and multiple pregnancies. Balancing the clinical practice between the beneficial natural physiology and the prolific use of stimulation drugs for ART may help eliminate risks that may prove clinically, financially and psychologically expensive. It underscores the fact that ‘greater’ is not always synonymous with ‘better’ with regard to the oocyte yield. While highlighting the risks involved with the use of high-dose gonadotropins, the book presents a stratification of patients who might benefit from the ‘soft’ minimal and natural cycle IVF stimulation protocols that may be used. Additionally, clinicians can understand the significance of cryopreservation technology, now a useful adjunct to minimal stimulation protocols, with its manifold future advantages. Written by an international team of experts, this handbook emphasizes how minimal stimulation and natural cycle IVF can lead to a milder, safer and more effective approach to ART.
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Minimal Stimulation and Natural Cycle In Vitro Fertilization is written by Gautam N. Allahbadia and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Minimal Stimulation and Natural Cycle In Vitro Fertilization are 9788132211181, 8132211189 and the print ISBNs are 9788132211174, 8132211170.
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