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Taking the view that aesthetics is a study grounded in perception, the essays in this volume exhibit many sides of the perceptual complex that is the aesthetic field and develop them in different ways. They reinvigorate our understanding of such arts as music and architecture; they range across the natural landscape to the urban one; they reassess the place of beauty in the modern environment and reassess the significance of the contributions to aesthetic theory of Kant and Dewey; and they broach the kinds of meanings and larger understanding that aesthetic engagement with the human environment can offer. Written over the past decade, these original and innovative essays lead to a fresh encounter with the possibilities of aesthetic experience, one which has constantly evolved, moving in recent years in the direction of what Berleant terms ‘social aesthetics’, which enhances human-environmental integration and sociality.
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Additional ISBNs
1138255483, 1409441342, 1409441350, 1315565838, 1409483770, 9781138255487, 9781409441342, 9781409441359, 9781315565835, 9781409483779
Aesthetics beyond the Arts: New and Recent Essays 1st Edition is written by Arnold Berleant and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Aesthetics beyond the Arts are 9781317184836, 1317184831 and the print ISBNs are 9781138255487, 1138255483. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1138255483, 1409441342, 1409441350, 1315565838, 1409483770, 9781138255487, 9781409441342, 9781409441359, 9781315565835, 9781409483779.
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