China Internet Development Report 2018: Blue Book of World Internet Conference eBook
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This book, the third book in the four-volume series in algebra, deals with important topics in homological algebra, including abstract theory of derived functors, sheaf co-homology, and an introduction to etale and l-adic co-homology. It contains four chapters which discuss homology theory in an abelian category together with some important and fundamental applications in geometry, topology, algebraic geometry (including basics in abstract algebraic geometry), and group theory. The book will be of value to graduate and higher undergraduate students specializing in any branch of mathematics. The author has tried to make the book self-contained by introducing relevant concepts and results required. Prerequisite knowledge of the basics of algebra, linear algebra, topology, and calculus of several variables will be useful.
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Algebra 3: Homological Algebra and Its Applications is written by Ramji Lal and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Algebra 3 are 9789813363267, 9813363266 and the print ISBNs are 9789813363250, 9813363258.
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