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Microscopy, which has served as a fundamental scientific technique for centuries, remains an invaluable tool in chemistry, biology, healthcare, and forensics. Increasingly, it is being integrated into modern chemical instrumentation and is of value as a powerful analytical tool across many scientific disciplines. Designed to serve as a primary reso
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Additional ISBNs
142008450X, 0429111258, 9781420084504, 9780429111259, 1420084526, 1439893381, 1439882436, 132261816X, 9781420084528, 9781439893388, 9781439882436, 9781322618166
An Introduction to Microscopy 1st Edition is written by Suzanne Bell; Keith Morris and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for An Introduction to Microscopy are 9781420084528, 1420084526 and the print ISBNs are 9781420084504, 142008450X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 142008450X, 0429111258, 9781420084504, 9780429111259, 1420084526, 1439893381, 1439882436, 132261816X, 9781420084528, 9781439893388, 9781439882436, 9781322618166.
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