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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A brief, highly readable overview of the important concepts, principles, theories, and practices of multicultural education Presenting need-to-know information in a concise, highly readable style, An Introduction to Multicultural Education helps busy pre-service and practicing educators increase their understanding of what multicultural education means for the increasingly diverse classrooms in the United States today. Leading authority James A. Banks includes the widely used concepts and paradigms that he has developed, such as the dimensions of multicultural education; approaches to multicultural curriculum reform; types of knowledge; and how to teach students to know, to care, and to act. In addition, the text covers the characteristics of effective multicultural lessons and units, the major benchmarks educators can use to determine sound multicultural education implementation, benchmarks to reform, and much more. Filled with new developments, trends, and issues as well as current statistics, citations, and references, the 6th Edition now includes Reflection and Action Activities, end-of-chapter summaries, and a new typology of citizenship.
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