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Give students the confidence to build successful mobile applications with a strong foundation in Java® programming using the new Android Studio. ANDROID BOOT CAMP FOR DEVELOPERS USING JAVA®: A GUIDE TO CREATING YOUR FIRST ANDROID APPS, 4E, by award-winning author Corinne Hoisington, offers a thorough introduction to Java® with an emphasis on creating effective mobile apps. Designed for a first-semester course in programming, the book is ideal for students with no prior Java® experience. The book’s hands-on tutorial approach offers step-by-step instruction and numerous screen shots to guide readers through tasks with real-life app examples. Practical callouts and industry tips, exercises that extend learning beyond the book, and a variety of cases and assignments reinforce understanding of programming logic and Java® tools for Android Studio. Prepare student programmers to meet growing business demand for mobile apps with this engaging text.
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