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This book outlines comprehensively the main medical uses of aptamers, from diagnosis to therapeutics in fourteen chapters. Pioneering topics covered include aptamer pharmaceuticals, aptamers for malign tumors, aptamers for personalized therapeutics and aptamers for point-of-care testing. The book offers an essential guide for medical scientists interested in developing aptamer-based schemes for better theranostics. It is therefore of interest for not only academic researchers, but also practitioners and medical researchers in various fields of medical science, medical research and bio-analytical chemistry.
This is a digital product.
Aptamers for Medical Applications: From Diagnosis to Therapeutics and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Aptamers for Medical Applications are 9789813348387, 9813348380 and the print ISBNs are 9789813348370, 9813348372.
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