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As one of the first academic monographs on Keith Haring, this book uses the Pop Shop, a previously overlooked enterprise, and artist merchandising as tools to reconsider the significance and legacy of Haring’s career as a whole. Haring developed an alternative approach to both the marketing and the social efficacy of art: he controlled the sales and distribution of his merchandise, while also promulgating his belief in accessibility and community activism. He proved that mass-produced objects can be used strategically to form a community and create social change. Furthermore, looking beyond the 1980s, into the 1990s and 2000s, Haring and his shop prefigured artists’ emerging, self-aware involvement with the mass media, and the art world’s growing dependence on marketing and commercialism. The book will be of interest to scholars or students studying art history, consumer culture, cultural studies, media studies, or market studies, as well as anyone with a curiosity about Haring and his work, the 1980s art scene in New York, the East Village, street art, art activism, and art merchandising.
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Additional ISBNs
9781003015437, 9780367650841, 9781000286946, 9781000286953
Art and Merchandise in Keith Haring’s Pop Shop 1st Edition is written by Amy Raffel and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Art and Merchandise in Keith Haring’s Pop Shop are 9781000286960, 1000286967 and the print ISBNs are 9780367858735, 0367858738. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781003015437, 9780367650841, 9781000286946, 9781000286953.
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