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Assessing the Value of Digital Health
Leveraging the HIMSS Value STEPS™ Framework
HIMSS set out to develop a dynamic framework by which to easily catalogue the varied beneficial evidences of digital health. From this effort, HIMSS introduced to the market the HIMSS Value STEPS™ framework. This book will leverage the HIMSS Value STEPS™ model to identify and define the expressions of value the use of health IT systems can yield per the following domains: Satisfaction, Treatment/Clinical, Electronic Secure Data, Patient Engagement and Population Health, and Savings. Using this framework, HIMSS has developed a collection of over 2,000 cases reflecting the value that hospitals, health systems and other providers have experienced following implementation of their electronic health record and/or other IT-related applications. The more than 17,000 value statements that have been extracted from the 2,000+ case articles have been classified within 85 Standard Value Standard (SVS) within the five STEPS domains. The book will describe the STEPS model to demonstrate the impact of health IT in healthcare organizations, and the quality of care and overall financial and operational performance improvements that have been achieved.
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Additional ISBNs
9781351237611, 9781351237604, 9781351237581, 9780815376422
Assessing the Value of Digital Health: Leveraging the HIMSS Value STEPS™ Framework 1st Edition is written by Kendall Cortelyou-Ward; Margaret Schulte; Lorren Pettit and published by Productivity Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Assessing the Value of Digital Health are 9781351237598, 1351237594 and the print ISBNs are 9780815376415, 0815376413. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781351237611, 9781351237604, 9781351237581, 9780815376422.
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