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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This up-to-date book shows how assistive technology can be used in all kinds of classrooms, at all grade levels, to enhance the teaching and learning of students with a wide range of disabilities. The emphasis is on the integration of assistive technology into the curriculum. It addresses the challenges teachers face when using assistive technology to teach new skills to students with disabilities, to increase their independence and productivity, and to provide them with access to the general education curriculum. The text discusses disability categories within the context of school-related tasks and technology-based solutions to avoid misleading readers into simply pairing a certain diagnosis with a certain tech tool. The new edition of Assistive Technology in the Classroom keeps readers abreast of relevant new developments in mobile devices and assistive technology through a new chapter on how to use assistive technology to create visual supports and promote positive behavior, chapter updates on available mobile devices, expanded information on Universal Design for Learning, and additional ideas and discussion on how to match technology tools to a student’s specific needs and strengths.
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