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For more than 20 years, Athletic Training Exam Review has empowered and enabled students to assess and evaluate their athletic training knowledge, skills, and decision-making abilities. Now, newly updated for its platinum anniversary, the Seventh Edition continues a tradition of excellence while serving as a premier guide to successfully achieving certification as an athletic trainer. The Seventh Edition serves as a comprehensive self-evaluation tool, elevating readers’ level of preparation for the BOC exam. This market-leading guide has made a positive impact on the athletic training profession by highlighting and improving students’ strengths and weaknesses.What’s inside:• Updated study techniques and test-taking strategies• An expanded overview of the exam format to assist in organization and planning• More than 1,300 multiple-choice questions and nearly 100 true/false questions, updated and organized according to the BOC’s Practice Analysis, Seventh Edition Educational Domains• Clinical decision-making questions testing the ability to make appropriate judgment calls using problem solving• A skills assessment composed of 26 problems designed to test manual athletic training skills• Scenario-based problems to strengthen critical-thinking abilities In addition to the updated content, the Seventh Edition also features a fully redesigned and expanded online test-taking experience, including:• New user-friendly, mobile format• 8 knowledge assessment tests—3 more than the previous edition!• 5 unique true/false exams• 20 total drag and drop identification photographs—8 more than the previous edition!• 43 critical-thinking scenarios• 3 clinical decision-making exams containing scenario-based exam questions• 13 video segments with related questions for practicing evaluation and assessmentAthletic Training Exam Review has assisted thousands of students and has become a hallmark text around the globe. Connecting the classroom with clinical education, this review tool is a timely and critical text that prepares students for their exam and career as an athletic trainer.
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Athletic Training Exam Review: A Student Guide to Success, Seventh Edition 7th Edition is written by Lynn Van Ost; Karen Lew Feirman and published by Slack Incorporated. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Athletic Training Exam Review are 9781630918958, 1630918954 and the print ISBNs are 9781630918934, 1630918938.
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