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Authentic Diversity
How to Change the Workplace for Good
The nation has transformed. The calls for racial equity are loud and insistent and they are now being listened to. And yet, companies across the country are still far behind when it comes to equity in the workplace. For decades, we’ve heard variations on the same theme on how to increase diversity and inclusion and we have still not moved. If we want equity to matter inside and outside the workplace, if we want to be real allies for change, then we need a new approach. We need to stop following trends. We need to lead change. In Authentic Diversity, culture change expert and diversity speaker, Michelle Silverthorn, explains how to transform diversity and inclusion from mere lip service into the very heart of leadership. Following the journey of a Black woman in the workplace, leaders learn the old rules of diversity that keep failing her and millions like her again and again, and the new rules they must put in place to make success a reality for everyone. A millennial, immigrant, and Black woman in America, Michelle will show you how to lead a space centered on equity, allyship, and inclusion and how together we can build a new organization, and nation, centered on justice.
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Additional ISBNs
9780429023071, 9780367085674, 9780429660313, 9780429665752
Authentic Diversity: How to Change the Workplace for Good 1st Edition is written by Michelle Silverthorn and published by Productivity Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Authentic Diversity are 9780429663031, 042966303X and the print ISBNs are 9780367374518, 036737451X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780429023071, 9780367085674, 9780429660313, 9780429665752.
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