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Written both for family and friends as well as for anesthesiologists and anesthesia researchers, Autobiography of a Persistent Anesthesiologist is the fascinating story of the life and accomplishments of Dr. Edmond I. “Ted” Eger II in his own words. Both conversational and educational, this unique volume covers the family history, training, and storied career of a remarkable man and esteemed anesthesiologist and researcher. Family stories, a love of mountain climbing, and personal life events are conveyed in an informal style as if the reader is having a conversation with the author; scientific topics such as MAC, pharmacokinetics, and mechanisms of anesthetic action are covered in a precise, detailed manner intended to deepen readers’ understanding of the clinical concepts that govern inhaled anesthetic pharmacology, making them easier to understand an incorporate into practice. In this autobiography, the science of anesthetic pharmacology is inseparable from other aspects of Dr. Eger’s story—just as it was in his life.
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