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Autoethnographic Tactics to Closing the Gap on Educational Attainment
The history of education attainment in underrepresented populations, the education gap, undereducation, and socio-economic status have a multitude of cumulative causes, that must be carefully analyzed and considered in order to tackle these problems. This book offers valuable insights on the background of these issues, and addresses stressors, structural inequalities, microaggressions, imposter syndrome, and underscores the importance of supporting relationships, including mentorship, role models, and quality relationships with family, friends, classmates, and community. Autoethnographic Tactics to Closing the Gap on Educational Attainment is co-edited by Anika Chanell Thrower, Alex Evangelista, Ruth Baker-Gardner, and Hammed Oladeji Mogaji. The co-editors bring a wealth of experience and expertise to this publication. Through their work, the co-editors are committed to promoting access to higher education and improving outcomes for marginalized populations. This essential resource is designed for scholars interested in promoting cultural awareness, equity, and diversity in higher education institutions, and it provides must-read perspectives for instructors teaching stress management courses, diversity and inclusion departments, campus sustainability departments, and others. This book offers a detailed analysis of the enrollment crisis, strategies to address its many sources, and is an important contribution to the ongoing conversation about equity and access in higher education. .
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Additional ISBNs
Autoethnographic Tactics to Closing the Gap on Educational Attainment is written by Thrower Anika and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Autoethnographic Tactics to Closing the Gap on Educational Attainment are 9798369310762, and the print ISBNs are 9798369310748, . Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9798369310755.
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