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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning, 8/e provides a complete, state-of-the-art source on automotive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, as well as the practical skills that students must master to be successful in the industry. The text focuses on the generic theory that underlies the operation, diagnosis, and repair of the units and subassemblies found in the many makes and types of vehicles students will likely encounter in their careers. Formatted to appeal to today’s technical trade students, Halderman uses helpful tips and visuals to bring concepts to life and guide students through the procedures they’ll use on the job. This book is part of the Pearson Automotive Professional Technician Series, which provides full-color, media-integrated solutions for today’s students and instructors covering all eight areas of ASE certification, plus additional titles covering common courses. Peer reviewed for technical accuracy, the series and the books in it represent the future of automotive textbooks.
Additional ISBNs
9780134603889, 0134603885
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