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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair is designed to meet the needs of a beginning or introductory automotive program. Real examples and color images throughout the text show students how to perform the basic duties and skills needed to be an entry-level service technician. Describing the purpose and function of each system, the text explains the parts involved and how they work and shows students how to perform basic visual diagnosis with the end goal of determining if a system is working as designed or if further service or diagnosis is required. Providing a solid understanding of the NATEF tasks for Maintenance and Light Repair, this text has been peer reviewed by automotive instructors and experts in the field to ensure technical accuracy.
Additional ISBNs
9780133599695|9780138146771|9780133405187|9780131248908, 0133599698|0138146772|0133405184|0131248901, 9781306122542|9780133444315, 1306122546|0133444317, 9781306122542, 9780133439014, 1306122546
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