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Aviation Law Cause of Action Exclusivity in the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions
This incisive book tackles a controversy that has plagued the Warsaw Convention 1929 and the Montreal Convention 1999 for decades: whether the conventions provide an independent cause of action upon which a plaintiff can rely directly when pleading their action, and, if so, whether that cause of action provides the exclusive remedy. This book resolves this controversy by presenting a new conceptual framework for understanding aviation law cause of action in the conventions.
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Aviation Law Cause of Action Exclusivity in the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions 1st Edition is written by David and published by Edward Elgar Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Aviation Law Cause of Action Exclusivity in the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions are 9781802203547, 1802203540 and the print ISBNs are 9781802203530, 1802203532.
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