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12 itineraries introduce you to the Native American tribes of the Colorado plateau and take you to hundreds of documented and undocumented Ancestral Puebloan ruins, including those at major sites like Mesa Verde and Chaco Canyon. Whether a native of this region or a traveling visitor, you will find this guide replete with all the information you need to travel off the beaten path in the Four Corners territory of the Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. With chapters devoted to individual drives, you will know what to look for and expect in this culturally fascinating region.
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Backroads & Byways of Indian Country: Drives, Day Trips and Weekend Excursions: Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico 1st Edition is written by Teresa Bitler and published by Countryman Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Backroads & Byways of Indian Country: Drives, Day Trips and Weekend Excursions: Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico are 9781581578027, 1581578024 and the print ISBNs are 9780881509571, 0881509574.
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