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Basic Infection Control for Health Care Providers, Third Edition, is a clear and concise guide to preventing occupational exposure hazards and communicable and infectious diseases. Written at a level that assumes no prior knowledge of infectious disease, this book includes coverage on how to safely protect oneself from infectious agents and what to do in case of infectious exposure. This book is equally applicable for any healthcare field, including medical assistant, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, nursing assistant, dental professionals, respiratory therapy, diagnostic imaging, long-term care, massage therapy, and emergency medicine. Other occupations with potential exposure to infectious disease, such as tattoo artists, law enforcement, food service, corrections, fire service, childcare, and education, will benefit from the clear and concise discussions of the disease process, protection from communicable disease, and post-exposure protocols. Background information such as legal issues and the immune system provide a clear context regarding exposure and infectious diseases. The blend of fundamental infection control content and reference resources makes this tool perfect for use in an instructional setting or as a reference for anyone at risk of occupational exposure to infectious disease.
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Additional ISBNs
1337912298, 0357433815, 9781337912297, 9780357433812
Basic Infection Control for Health Care Professionals 3rd Edition is written by Michael Kennamer and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Basic Infection Control for Health Care Professionals are 9780357433805, 0357433807 and the print ISBNs are 9780357433812, 0357433815. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1337912298, 0357433815, 9781337912297, 9780357433812.
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