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This book presents a comprehensive description of the basic concepts of soft matter mechanics and of the nano- and microscale biomedical methods that allow characterizing the mechanical properties of cells and tissues.
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Additional ISBNs
3110640597, 3110640635, 9783110640595, 9783110640632
Biomedical Methods 1st Edition is written by Malgorzata Lekka, Daniel Navajas, Manfred Radmacher, Alessandro Podestà and published by De Gruyter. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Biomedical Methods are 9783110640687, 3110640686 and the print ISBNs are 9783110640595, 3110640597. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 3110640597, 3110640635, 9783110640595, 9783110640632.
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