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Bonhoeffer and Interpretive Theory
Essays on Methods and Understanding
How does the contemporary reader make sense of the life and writings of such an icon as Dietrich Bonhoeffer? The essays in this volume seek to address this question by carefully examining the social, cultural, religious and intellectual locations that inform the Sitz im Leben of a vast readership of Bonhoeffer. The focus of each of the essays is thus on the task of articulating and clarifying a hermeneutically self-conscious and responsible approach to interpreting and understanding Bonhoeffer. The authors come from widely divergent backgrounds, both geographically and intellectually, and therefore offer a wide spectrum of dialogue. Methods and approaches examined in the essays discuss themes such as gender, religion, race, ecology, politics, philosophy, literature among others.
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Bonhoeffer and Interpretive Theory: Essays on Methods and Understanding 1st Edition is written by Frick, Peter (ed.) and published by Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Bonhoeffer and Interpretive Theory are 9783653032253, 3653032253 and the print ISBNs are 9783631629680, 3631629680.
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