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Building Equity
Policies and Practices to Empower All Learners
Imagine a school with a diverse student body where everyone feels safe and valued, and all—regardless of race, culture, home language, sexual orientation, gender identity, academic history, and individual challenges—have the opportunity to succeed with interesting classes, projects, and activities. In this school, teachers notice and meet individual instructional needs and foster a harmonious and supportive environment. All students feel empowered to learn, to grow, and to pursue their dreams.
This is the school every student needs and deserves.
In Building Equity, Dominique Smith, Nancy Frey, Ian Pumpian, and Douglas Fisher, colleagues at San Diego’s innovative Health Sciences High & Middle College, introduce the Building Equity Taxonomy, a new model to clarify the structural and interpersonal components of an equitable and excellent schooling experience, and the Building Equity Review and Audit, survey-based tools to help school and teacher leaders uncover equity-related issues and organize their efforts to achieve
Physical integration
Social-emotional engagement
Opportunity to learn
Instructional excellence
Engaged and inspired learners
Built on the authors’ own experiences and those of hundreds of educators throughout the United States, this book is filled with examples of policy initiatives and practices that support high-quality, inclusive learning experiences and deliver education that meets critical standards of equality and equity.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
Building Equity: Policies and Practices to Empower All Learners 1st Edition is written by Dominique Smith; Nancy Frey; Ian Pumpian; Douglas Fisher and published by ASCD. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Building Equity are 9781416624295, 1416624295 and the print ISBNs are 9781416624264, 1416624260. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781416624288.
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