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BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 14E is designed for more advanced high school business courses, going beyond the intro to business class. With the focus shifted to business management, this text approaches business operations from the entrepreneurial and management perspective. Finance, marketing, and human resources are some of the topics explored. This text combines concepts with a strong lesson-based instructional design, weaving in research opportunities, creative methods of assessment, interesting real-world features, mathematical calculations, case studies and academic connections. The introductory chapter provides an overview of management, discusses the history of management, and compares management approaches and philosophies. Another chapter focuses on data analysis and decision-making, demonstrating the importance of math, statistics, and quantitative decision-making. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 14E provides business management concepts and principles in a realistic, investigative, and enriching manner. All the functions of business management are covered extensively, including the use of technology and communication as tools of business. Students will enjoy exploring the global dimension of business and possible career opportunities as this text brings the world of business to your class.
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