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Business-to-Business Marketing
How to Understand and Succeed in Business Marketing in an Emerging Africa
Business-to-Business Marketing: An African Perspective: How to Understand and Succeed in Business Marketing in an Emerging Africa is a comprehensive application of the most current research results, concepts and frameworks to the African business-to-business (B-to-B) context. The chapters are designed to provide the reader with a thorough analysis of b-to-b. Important aspects like competitive strategy in B-to-B, marketing mix strategies, relationship management and collaboration, business services, big data analysis, and emerging issues in B-to-B are discussed with African examples and cases. As a result, the book is easy to read and pedagogical. It is suitable for courses at universities and other tertiary levels, undergraduate and graduate courses, MBA and professional B-to-B marketing programmes. Working managers will find it a useful reference for practical insights and as a useful resource to develop and implement successful strategies. The Authors Collectively the four authors have over 60 years of teaching and research in B-to-B marketing and management in and outside Africa. They have the managerial and consulting experience that has enabled them to combine theory with practice. Their experience and knowledge provide the needed background to uniquely integrate teaching and research with the realities of the African B-to-B market. Their command of and insight into the subject are unparalleled.
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Additional ISBNs
9780429259777, 9780367770884, 9780429521942, 9780429550119
Business-to-Business Marketing: How to Understand and Succeed in Business Marketing in an Emerging Africa 1st Edition is written by Richard Owusu; Robert Hinson; Ogechi Adeola; Nnamdi Oguji and published by Productivity Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Business-to-Business Marketing are 9780429535413, 0429535414 and the print ISBNs are 9780367201470, 036720147X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780429259777, 9780367770884, 9780429521942, 9780429550119.
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