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Transform your high school accounting course with CENTURY 21 ACCOUNTING GENERAL JOURNAL 10E, the leader in high school accounting education for more than 100 years. Input from educators, accounting professionals, content experts, and high school accounting students has informed the tenth edition’s new critical-thinking activities, real-world applications, updated Accounting instruction, and enhanced online learning solutions, including Online Working Papers and Automated Accounting Online computerized accounting software. CENTURY 21 ACCOUNTING 10E maintains its renowned instructional design and step-by-step approach to teaching the mechanics of accounting. Greater emphasis on conceptual understanding and financial statement analysis in the tenth edition encourages students to apply accounting concepts to real-world situations and make informed business decisions. New features like Forensic Accounting, Think Like an Accountant, Financial Literacy, and Why Accounting? are a few examples of the expanded opportunities for students to master valued skills, such as critical thinking and technology use, as defined by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. In addition, commercial technology, integrated throughout the text, equips students to work with Microsoft Excel®, Peachtree®, QuickBooks®, and Automated Accounting Online, with step-by-step instructions and the flexibility to use multiple versions of software. Trust the dedicated leader in accounting education to transform your accounting course with a time-tested instructional design, enhanced digital solutions, and a comprehensive package to address your contemporary classroom needs and prepare your students for success in the 21st century.
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