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The title of this book, Derivative Lives, alludes to the challenge of finding one’s way within the contemporary market of virtually limitless information and claims to veracity. Amid this profusion of options, it is easy to feel lost in spaces of uncertainty where biographical truth teeters between the real and the imaginative. The title thus also points to the prolific market of biographical novels that openly and intentionally play in the speculative space between the real and the fictional. Drawing on theories of risk and uncertainty, Derivative Lives considers the surge in biofiction in Spain and globally, relating literary expression to concepts such as circumstantiality, derivatives, speculation, and game studies.
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Derivative Lives: Biofiction, Uncertainty, and Speculative Risk in Contemporary Spanish Narrative 1st Edition is written by Virginia Newhall Rademacher and published by Bloomsbury Academic USA. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Derivative Lives are 9781501386923, 1501386921 and the print ISBNs are 9781501386909, 1501386905.
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