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Exploring online learning through the lens of synchronous and asynchronous instructional methods can be beneficial to the online instructor and to the course designer. Understanding the underlying theoretical foundation is essential to justify both types of instructional pedagogies. Learning theory as it applies to online environments encompasses myriad techniques and practices. Edited by Dr. Cynthia Mary Sistek-Chandler, who was named the 2020 Higher Education Technology Leader Winner by EdTech Digest, Exploring Online Learning Through Synchronous and Asynchronous Instructional Methods is an essential scholarly book that provides relevant and detailed research on the applications of synchronous and asynchronous instructional pedagogies and discusses why they are critical to the design and implementation of contemporary online courses. Featuring an array of topics such as student engagement, adaptive learning, and online instruction, this book is ideal for online instructors, instructional designers, curriculum developers, course designers, academicians, administrators, e-learning professionals, researchers, and students.
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Additional ISBNs
1799816222, 1799816249, 9781799816225, 9781799816249
Exploring Online Learning Through Synchronous and Asynchronous Instructional Methods and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Exploring Online Learning Through Synchronous and Asynchronous Instructional Methods are 9781799816256, 1799816257 and the print ISBNs are 9781799816225, 1799816222. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1799816222, 1799816249, 9781799816225, 9781799816249.
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