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Global Citizenship Education in Post-Secondary Institutions
Theories, Practices, Policies- Foreword by Indira V. Samarasekera
Drawing on critical pedagogy, post-colonial analysis, hermeneutic interpretation, and reconceptualist curriculum frameworks, the twenty chapters in this edited collection address, from interrelated perspectives, a gap in the scholarly literature on the theory, practice, and policy of global citizenship and global citizenship education. The book provides readers with analyses and interpretations of the existing state of global citizenship education in post-secondary institutions, and stimulates discussion about the field at a time when there is an intense debate about the current drive to «internationalize» tertiary education and the role global citizenship education should play in that process. International and interdisciplinary in its examination of post-secondary global citizenship education, the book will be useful in courses that focus on policy formation, curriculum development and theorizing in the field.
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Additional ISBNs
Global Citizenship Education in Post-Secondary Institutions: Theories, Practices, Policies- Foreword by Indira V. Samarasekera 1st Edition is written by Shultz, Lynette / Abdi, Ali A. / Richardson, George H. (eds.) and published by Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Global Citizenship Education in Post-Secondary Institutions are 9781453901366, 1453901361 and the print ISBNs are 9781433111143, 1433111144. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781433111136.
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