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After two years of forced changes in the educational system and shifting to a new model where online learning became a reality, students and teachers gained a lot of experience and new insights into online learning. Thus, it is relevant for educators, managers of schools, and developers of online applications to understand what was learned during the pandemic in order to adapt to the new situation. The Handbook of Research on Establishing Digital Competencies in the Pursuit of Online Learning considers important lessons learned about online teaching during the pandemic, the experiences of educators, and the perspectives of students and teachers. The book also assists educators in designing their learning process for it to be more student- and teacher-oriented. Covering key topics such as technology, digital skills, and distance learning, this reference work is ideal for industry professionals, administrators, policymakers, principals, researchers, academicians, scholars, instructors, and students.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1668470101, 166847011X, 9781668470107, 9781668470114
Handbook of Research on Establishing Digital Competencies in the Pursuit of Online Learning is written by Podovšovnik Eva and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Establishing Digital Competencies in the Pursuit of Online Learning are 9781668470121, 1668470128 and the print ISBNs are 9781668470107, 1668470101. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1668470101, 166847011X, 9781668470107, 9781668470114.
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