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As a movement, transhumanism aims to upgrade the human body through science, constantly pushing back the limits of a person by using cutting-edge technologies to fix the human body and upgrade it beyond its natural abilities. Transhumanism can not only change human habits, but it can also change learning practices. By improving human learning, it improves the human organism beyond natural and biological limits. The Handbook of Research on Learning in the Age of Transhumanism is an essential research publication that discusses global values, norms, and ethics that relate to the diverse needs of learners in the digital world and addresses future priorities and needs for transhumanism. The book will identify and scrutinize the needs of learners in the age of transhumanism and examine best practices for transhumanist leaders in learning. Featuring topics such as cybernetics, pedagogy, and sociology, this book is ideal for educators, trainers, instructional designers, curriculum developers, professionals, researchers, academicians, policymakers, and librarians.
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Additional ISBNs
1522584315, 1522584323, 9781522584315, 9781522584322
Handbook of Research on Learning in the Age of Transhumanism is written by Serap Sisman-Ugur and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Research on Learning in the Age of Transhumanism are 9781522584339, 1522584331 and the print ISBNs are 9781522584315, 1522584315. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1522584315, 1522584323, 9781522584315, 9781522584322.
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