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Ever-evolving technological innovation creates both opportunities and challenges for educators aiming to achieve meaningful and effective learning in the classroom and to equip students with a well-honed set of technology skills as they enter the professional world. The Handbook of Teaching with Technology in Management, Leadership, and Business is written by experienced instructors using technology in novel and impactful ways in their undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as researchers reporting and reflecting on studies and literature that can guide them on the how and why of teaching with technology.
This is a digital product.
Handbook of Teaching with Technology in Management, Leadership, and Business 1st Edition is written by Stuart Allen, Kim Gower, Danielle K. Allen and published by Edward Elgar Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Handbook of Teaching with Technology in Management, Leadership, and Business are 9781789901658, 1789901650 and the print ISBNs are 9781789901641, 1789901642.
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