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Hard Questions
Learning to Teach Controversial Issues
Teaching controversial issues in the classroom is now more urgent and fraught than ever as we face up to rising authoritarianism, racial and economic injustice, and looming environmental disaster. Despite evidence that teaching controversy is critical, educators often avoid it. How then can we prepare and support teachers to undertake this essential but difficult work? Hard Questions: Learning to Teach Controversial Issues, based on a cross-national qualitative study, examines teacher educators’ efforts to prepare preservice teachers for teaching controversial issues that matter for democracy, justice, and human rights. It presents four detailed cases of teacher preparation in three politically divided societies: Northern Ireland, England, and the United States. The book traces graduate students’ learning from university coursework into the classrooms where they work to put what they have learned into practice. It explores their application of pedagogical tools and the factors that facilitated or hindered their efforts to teach controversy. The book’s cross-national perspective is compelling to a broad and diverse audience, raising critical questions about teaching controversial issues and providing educators, researchers, and policymakers tools to help them fulfill this essential democratic mission of education.
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Additional ISBNs
Hard Questions: Learning to Teach Controversial Issues is written by Judith L. Pace and published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Hard Questions are 9781475851984, 1475851987 and the print ISBNs are 9781475851960, 1475851960. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781475851977.
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