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Harnessing Formative Data for K-12 Leaders prepares school and district leaders to re-evaluate how real-time formative data can inform policy, planning, and professional development. The importance of effective formative data use has escalated since the expansion of distance learning and the integration of digital education tools, which have impacted the consistency, accuracy, availability, and actionability of data points that leaders rely on. This book’s strategic insights into actionable, organizational-level formative data use will yield differentiated supports for schools to foster greater academic outcomes, a culture of equity and social-emotional well-being, and students’ readiness for college, career, and lifelong learning. Each chapter includes connections to social justice, best practices for applying data points and field-tested tips for technology integration, and a host of interactive planning guides to support implementation.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1032156686, 1032154837, 1003245242, 9781032156682, 9781032154831, 9781003245247
Harnessing Formative Data for K-12 Leaders: Real-time Approaches to School Improvement 1st Edition is written by Stepan Mekhitarian and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Harnessing Formative Data for K-12 Leaders are 9781000686029, 1000686027 and the print ISBNs are 9781032156682, 1032156686. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1032156686, 1032154837, 1003245242, 9781032156682, 9781032154831, 9781003245247.
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