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Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically
Are you faced with the daunting task of spending millions of dollars on updating, reconfiguring, expanding, or replacing your facility? Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically is a practical guide to help you ensure that your facility is flexible and able to meet the needs of patients, caregivers, and payers long into the future. The focus of this book is on predesign planning, a stage of the healthcare facility planning, design, and construction process that is frequently overlooked. Decisions made during this phase have the most impact on longterm operational costs. Detailed examples, guidelines, and case studies will lead you stepbystep through a proven predesign planning process. Benefit from the author’s 25 years of experience in healthcare facility planning and her involvement in major projects around the country. This book will help you appreciate the importance of the predesign planning process, understand the trends affecting space allocation and configuration, and learn techniques for planning flexible facilities.
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Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically 1st Edition is written by Cynthia Hayward and published by Health Administration Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Healthcare Facility Planning: Thinking Strategically are 9781567932478, 1567932479 and the print ISBNs are 9781567932478, 1567932479.
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