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Heat Pipes, 6th Edition, takes a highly practical approach to the design and selection of heat pipes, making it an essential guide for practicing engineers and an ideal text for postgraduate students.
This new edition has been revised to include new information on the underlying theory of heat pipes and heat transfer, and features fully updated applications, new data sections, and updated chapters on design and electronics cooling. The book is a useful reference for those with experience and an accessible introduction for those approaching the topic for the first time.
Contains all information required to design and manufacture a heat pipe
Suitable for use as a professional reference and graduate text
Revised with greater coverage of key electronic cooling applications
This is a digital product.
Heat Pipes: Theory, Design and Applications 6th Edition is written by Reay, David; McGlen, Ryan; Kew, Peter and published by Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Heat Pipes: Theory, Design and Applications are 9780080982793 and the print ISBNs are 9780080982663, 0080982662.
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