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Historical Instructional Design Cases presents a collection of design cases which are historical precedents for the field with utility for practicing designers and implications for contemporary design and delivery. Featuring concrete and detailed views of instructional design materials, programs, and environments, this book’s unique curatorial approach situates these cases in the field’s broader timeline while facilitating readings from a variety of perspectives and stages of design work. Students, faculty, and researchers will be prepared to build their lexicon of observed designs, understand the real-world outcomes of theory application, and develop cases that are fully accessible to future generations and contexts.
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Additional ISBNs
0367353709, 0367352591, 0429330995, 9780367353704, 9780367352592, 9780429330995
Historical Instructional Design Cases: ID Knowledge in Context and Practice 1st Edition is written by Elizabeth Boling; Colin M. Gray; Craig D. Howard and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Historical Instructional Design Cases are 9781000221077, 1000221075 and the print ISBNs are 9780367352592, 0367352591. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0367353709, 0367352591, 0429330995, 9780367353704, 9780367352592, 9780429330995.
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