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HIT or Miss, 3rd Edition
Lessons Learned from Health Information Technology Projects
The third edition of HIT or Miss: Lessons Learned from Health Information Technology Projects presents and dissects a wide variety of HIT failures so that the reader can understand in each case what went wrong and why and how to avoid such problems, without focusing on the involvement of specific people, organizations, or vendors. The lessons may be applied to future and existing projects, or used to understand why a previous project failed. The reader also learns how common causes of failure affect different kinds of HIT projects and with different results. Cases are organized by the type of focus (hospital care, ambulatory care, and community). Each case provides analysis by an author who was involved in the project plus the insight of an HIT expert. This book presents a model to discuss HIT failures in a safe and protected manner, providing an opportunity to focus on the lessons offered by a failed initiative as opposed to worrying about potential retribution for exposing a project as having failed. Access expert insight into key obstacles that must be overcome to leverage IT and transform healthcare. Each de-identified case study includes an analysis by a group of industry experts along with a counter analysis. Cases include a list of key words and are categorized by project (e.g. CPOE, business intelligence). Each case study concludes with a lesson learned section.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
9780429031403, 9781032092201, 9780429630392, 9780429633379
HIT or Miss, 3rd Edition: Lessons Learned from Health Information Technology Projects 3rd Edition is written by Jonathan Leviss and published by Productivity Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for HIT or Miss, 3rd Edition are 9780429631887, 042963188X and the print ISBNs are 9780367143466, 0367143461. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780429031403, 9781032092201, 9780429630392, 9780429633379.
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