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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Prepare future hotel general managers to efficiently supervise and run a midsize full-service hotel. Hotel Operations Management provides an up-to-date and comprehensive examination of all aspects of hotel administration from the viewpoint of the hotel general manager. Detailed information addresses the operating departments of a full-service hotel: Human Resources; Controller; The Front Office; Housekeeping; Food and Beverage; Safety and Property Security; Sales and Marketing; Accounting; and Facility Engineering and Maintenance. In-depth discussions highlight the importance of human resources in the labor-intensive hotel industry, franchising and contract management of properties in an ever-decreasing “Mom and Pop” segment, and hotel management in a global environment. Updated throughout to ensure that readers have the latest information, the Third Edition also includes new case studies, an entirely new chapter on guest services, and new end-of-chapter questions. This accurate book will give prospective hotel managers insight into all of the procedures effective managers use to ensure their hotel¿’s—and their own—success.
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