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Explains how and why human cultures vary so greatly across space and time Human Culture: Highlights of Cultural Anthropology, 3/e helps students understand how humans vary culturally and why they got to be that way. It provides both a comprehensive and scientific introduction to cultural anthropology. This new edition has an expanded and updated focus on environmental issues. REVEL from Pearson is an immersive learning experience designed for the way today’s student read, think, and learn. REVEL modernizes familiar and respected course content with dynamic media interactives and assessments, and empowers educators to increase engagement in the course, better connecting with students. The result is increased student engagement and improved learning. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience- for you and your students. It: Immersive Learning Experiences with REVEL: REVEL delivers immersive learning experiences designed for the way today’s students read, think, and learn. Engaging Pedagogically-Driven Design: Learning Objectives in each chapter correspond to chapter summary materials A Clear Understanding of humans: Readers will learn the major variations in human kinship, economic, political, and religious systems and why it is significant. Focus on Contemporary issues: Students will understand contemporary social problems and how anthropology might be used to address them.
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